Meet The Team

President, Co-Founder
Issaka Ardaly
M.Eng. IT Security and Forensics
15 years of experience as software architect in leadership positions with a focus on IT security. Driven by a passion for technologies that bring sustainable solutions to improve the livelihoods of current and future generations.

Board Member, Treausrer, Co-Founder
Zeynab Jacob
Master in Finance and Banking
Passionate about Women in Technology and more inclusion, diversity and equity in the tech sector. Responsible for bookkeeping and financial management of project funds at Gabera Foundation.

Board Secretary, Co-Founder
Alice Nägele
Mag. iur. (Master in law)
CAS ETH Development and Cooperation
Jurist with 17 years of experience in international development. Worked in academia, public institutions, courts, non-profits and startups in Jerusalem, Nairobi, New York and Vienna. At Gabera Foundation, she is responsible for project design, organizational development and quality control.

L&D Manager (Learning & Development)
El Hebib Mounkeïla
Bachelor in Applied Computing
As L&D Manager, he is responsible for the training, professional development and growth of all trainees in the Foundation's traineeship program. He also organizes School Robot Days and serves as the local Partnership Coordinator for the PLC Technician Traineeship Program, developing and maintains strong ties with Nigerien schools and universities.

Co-Program Manager Sustainable Buildings
Maria Bieberschulte
Master in Macroeconomics
CAS ETH Development & Cooperation
Provides overall leadership, management, and strategic vision for the initial phase of the establishment of Gabera’s Adobe Tech Campus in Niamey. She is responsible for coneptualising and designing the project as well as for researching, creating and maintaining a network of project partners and experts.

Co-Program Manager Sustainable Buildlings
Hamani Ardaly
Controls the conformity of the accounts and their compliance with the adopted budget. He also has controlling and monitoring tasks in various projects.

In Memoriam
Mohamed Maina Abari
Mohamed played a crucial role in establishing the Gabera Foundation, contributing significantly to the development of trainees and the overall organization. The accomplishments we achieved would not have been possible without his dedication. His unexpected passing in December 2023 deeply saddened all of us. May his memory be a source of inspiration and blessing.
Some of our team members listed here work in a salaried position at the Foundation or at Gabera Software Solution SARL, to which some services are outsourced. Other team members who are involved in the Foundation's community service projects are volunteers. Thank you for your commitment!